Sunday, December 31, 2006

Indian Princess

A maori christmas concert, a gatecrashed Jewish wedding and a Sikh/Hindu wedding all in one week.. talk about gorging on culture.. but then again - isn't that what christmas is about? Gorging on food, presents, booze, family and friends and any other delicious thing you can lay your hands on..

Sunil and Jasveen's wedding in Adelaide was really special - a 5 day celebration with many extravagant and gorgeous events. I really felt like I was at an event of royalty.

I went to the wedding with one question that has been playing on my mind. How do you keep the relationship, the love and sex fresh after years of marriage? The answer came for me out of the Sikh ceremony. It is simple and elegant - we regenerate the joy and newness everyday with the knowingness that the relationship is actually finite - it ends when we die.

This is not a vulgar or morbid thought - but a comfort. One thing we are certain of in this life is that we are going to die. In our culture we don't really like to think about death - we'd rather pretend it is not there - but as it is the only certainty we have in this life it should be the one thing we ponder over A LOT.

The truth is - our special relationships probably never finish - but when we leave this world they certainly change as we know them - and then no doubt there will be other issues to deal with other than boredom!

The Hindu wedding was colourful, crazy and chaotic - but also one of the most beautiful ceremonies I have ever seen. The words, rituals and blessings were so lovely. They chose each other with their heart, mind and soul as a dear loving spouse. They were mindful of God being present in all. They prayed for nourishment, success, to perform their duties well, for mutual happiness, the well being of all creatures, prosperity and the blessings of their elders and teachers. Jasveen was given a necklace and some saaris by Sunil to symbolise him protecting and providing for her.

Long live the bridal couple!


Blogger Andrea said...

Commit for the entire life to an other person is very difficult to me. I tried to do it, but it didn't work. Probably because I measure whatever I do, in terms of the happiness I can get out of it. I don't want to make things that don't make me happy. But this is because I value my happiness as the mission of my life. And I know that my life is finite, and I want to use all the chances I have to be truly happy. XA

10:26 PM  

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