Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dalai Lama

I am supposed to be studying and packing - but instead thought I'd tell you about the time Tim, Adi and I went to see the Dalai Lama speak. This is partly to remind myself so that when I am packing, immigrating, studying - doing all this "stressful" stuff I aspire to cope with it like the Dalai Lama does - in a good mood. A good mood is the basis of happiness you see - it flows from peace of mind.

The DL was a small, eccentric bundle of joy - with a shiny head. He wore a poker cap to shield his eyes from the bright stage lights. He unpacked his holy handbag for us so we could see what he carrys - the essentials of life - toothpaste, sunglasses and bread because they never feed him enough on the plane! He cheekishly admitted how when he was a kid he didn't feel very holy. Running and jumping amongst the flowers is a good way to remember you're holy - if it's good enough for DL - it's good enough for me.

It's really important to still the mind or small problems become big in there. It's especially important to still and steady the mind because the body gets ill and dies - the mind lives on.

We are a marvelous creation of God. But our intelligence means we feel more pain.

Speak slowly.

Cities mean amazing access to facilities but less peace of mind. Being in nature brings peace.

Always practice compassion - unless you are physically in danger!

Ill feeling to others brings ill health. If your neighbour acts unjustly, your hatred will not harm them or their fortune. It will unsettle your mind which will make you quarrel and repel your friends. This will bring loneliness as people will not want to come close to you in your anger. When someone acts unjustly think CALMLY what to do. Take them to count with a calm mind so you can make realistic decisions and proper judgment. The mind is deluded by negative emotions.

Tolerance is the natural byproduct of a calm mind, a sign of strength and wisdom. Tolerance is not suffering. Tolerance is action carried out by calm, not hate.. This is forgiveness.

Compassion for your friends alone is bias and sadly, based on THEIR actions.

Always forgive, but do not forget! Remember the wrongdoings, they are not causing you negativity.

We are sociable. We came from our Mother's womb and survived on her milk and care. She protected us from danger and helped us overcome our hurdles. Her touch deeply touched you and helped your brain to develop. This was our first experience of compassion - you see it is a very deeply sown emotional seed.

Biased compassion only comes from reasoning.

Religious cultivation is a self discipline important to cultivate peace.

We are one global identity. This identity is more important than any "boundary". It is unjust to say if one person kills another he is a murderer - but if he kills many he is a hero. If you destroy your neighbour you destroy yourself. We are all responsible for minimising danger, stopping war, demilitarising the world. War is a man-made invention - thus is can be un-made by man. The next generation needs to be taught compassion and the spirit of dialogue - in history class.

When you find difficulty - just forget it!

Euthanasia, abortion etc - there's never one answer - judge each situation case by case.

We don't have to give up sex yet! We can practice until we are fed up - and then become "experienced" nuns and monks.

Make these ideas part of your life.

Lots of love.


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