Sorry for any regulars who've seen no activity on this here blog for some time.. Now's time for some catch up. We've been up to a whole bunch - not least of all working. On one of our nights off recently we went to see a psychic show! Yip - you read that right - a psychic!
Tim and I watch a couple episodes about this psychic and by a lovely twist of nature's hand we ended up seeing Deb Weber in Dunedin. She's a really gifted psychic - and one of the things she does is helping the Oz and New Zealand police find murderers and missing people. Amazing. She also connects people with their long, lost loved ones who have passed over.
We were really keen to go - but Timmy was really not keen on any of his dead relatives pitching up to chat to him in front of 2000 people! So with strict instructions to his heavenly loved ones we rocked up at the Dunedin City Hall - not knowing what to expect.
It was a really interesting evening - mostly she does these amazing readings to establish her credibility and then when the audience really does believe she talks to ghosts - she then teaches the audience about dying and the afterlife. This was the real juice of the show.
Considering it is the ONE certainty of our lives - that we are all going to die - it is one of the biggest taboo subjects on the "do not mention" list.
Dying is one of my hobbies - I have done much self study into dying and what it entails and I really like to support my patients around all death issues. So seeing this show was especially yummy for me.
In summary the messages she gave were as follows - many things I know - but always good to have reiterated;
1. My great granny was really concerned that when she died that she would have lived so long that her dead loved ones would already have reincarnated and she would miss them and also not have anyone to comfort her on her arrival to the afterlife. I reckon it is one of the main reasons she pushed on until 94 years old - this single concern. I was able to put this question to rest when Deb explained that we have 11 different aspects of ourselves - so even if we were reincarnated - one of aspects would be up there with them and one of the aspects of the people she was most eager to see would have been at the end of the tunnel to greet her. Thank fully someone must have gotten the message to her so she could finally had enough peace in her to die.
2. It's really beautiful out there - there is no suffering, judgment or pain - but when you leave - you still take all your issues with you. Don't get complacent and think that there are issues that will be resolved when you die and you'll get to leave your stuff behind on earth - not so! If you have something to work on - work on it here because it is much easier to work through things down here.
3. Spirit also talks to you in many different ways on earth - it can be through someone else, a song, a poster - God is speaking to us in a million different ways - it is just a matter of being open enough to see and hear these messages.
4. The message she personally gave me was, "what other people think of me is NONE of my concern.." - I have to give up worrying about what others think of me or how they judge me - there is not place for judgement on this earth and I have to stop judging too. Pretty awesome reminder and totally perfect for where I am right now.
5. Your pets are in pet heaven and they hang around you always - and they can come back and be your pet again. Animals can come as humans, but humans cannot come back as animals because animals are more evolved - just think of how attuned your pets are. She gave the example of the elephant that saved a whole bunch of people from the Tsunami.
6. We always travel in the "same families" - you and your people choose to be re-incarnated in the same families and the same peer groups. So when the grandchild has the same attributes of the grandpa he's never met.. it could actually be the grandpa reincarnated! Apparently we always recognise each other from the eyes - another thing you keep throughout. And you choose your parents and who you come back to life as.
7. The dead ones love it when you speak to them. And if you watch carefully they can make their presence known is all manner of ways - through the electrics, through mist on the window, through a little chill. When you get unexplained goosebumps or chills - that's spirit talking to you. So - if you have anything you wanna say to someone who's died or there's anything you feel incomplete about or if you simply want a good old yarn - surround yourself in light, and call on your loved one. They'll be right there, and they'll be all ears.
None of our relatives barged their way to the front of the crowd of shouting ghosts to speak to us - but I sure did feel my Grandpa, Granny Esme and Spikey close by.